Overcoming social anxiety
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Overcoming social anxiety


There’s a reason Julia Hunt hates long lines and slow elevators, but it’s not the one you might think. What if I blurt out something stupid or run out of things to say? Hunt’s angst is more than just garden-variety shyness— it’s a form of social anxiety, the fear of being criticized and rejected by others.

People with social anxiety disorder want romantic relationships, but they are Online dating sites, some of which cater specifically to men and women with social with social anxiety disorder can overcome their most severe symptoms, and.

People with anxiety can be highly self-critical, tend to overestimate the likelihood that something negative will happen, and often feel that others are judging them. During social situations, people with anxiety might feel short of breath and experience dizziness, sweating, blushing, stuttering, and an upset stomach. Many people are affected by anxiety. In fact, one in 14 people around the world will have an anxiety disorder at any given time , with women and young people being most affected.

But it is possible to overcome anxiety and date successfully. Here are some top scientific tips. People with anxiety tend to worry about what might go wrong in a situation and fear that they will do or say something to embarrass themselves. These thoughts not only produce a highly negative mental state characterised by dread and helplessness, but also harmful physiological body changes, such as higher secretion of stress hormones. An effective way to get over this is to stop focusing on what might go wrong.

As soon as a worrying thought pops into your head, let it go. Realise that it is just that — a thought or a mental event that will pass just like many others did. This technique is based on mindfulness , which has been shown to lower anxiety in study after study. This meditative technique will relax you and make you feel calmer.